Our Team

A big thank you to the team of more than 40 people, many from the School of Environment, University of Auckland, who worked on the Coastal Change mapping project. Special thanks to Dr Teresa Konlechner (University of Otago) and Dr Meghna Sengupta (Leibniz Centre ZMT) for their mapping contributions. Meet some of our core mapping team:

Mark Dickson

Professor  – The University of Auckland

Mark is a Professor of Coastal Geomorphology at the University of Auckland. He works primarily on eroding coasts and is particularly interested in the effects of sea-level rise on coastal erosion. Mark conducts his research using a combination of field experiments, remote sensing and numerical modelling. He co-led the Coastal Programme of the Resilience National Science Challenge from which the Coastal Change dataset was produced.

Murray Ford

Associate Professor  – The University of Auckland

Murray is a coastal geomorphologist working in a range of coastal settings. At present, he is primarily working on reef island systems in the Pacific. He employs both field and remote sensing approaches to better understand reef island geomorphology, evolution, and dynamics of these landforms.

Emma Ryan

Senior Lecturer – The University of Auckland

Emma is a coastal scientist interested in the impacts of climate change on coastal systems, including communities. Emma co-led the Coastal Programme of the Resilience National Science Challenge from which the Coastal Change dataset was produced. In addition to her research on New Zealand coastal systems, Emma continues to pursue research in Pacific coral reef systems. 

Megan Tuck

Research Fellow – The University of Auckland

Megan is a Research Fellow in the School of Environment at the University of Auckland. She joined the coastal team in 2021 after completing her PhD in Geography at Auckland University. Megan’s research interests span coastal geomorphology and coastal hazards exploring coastal change here in New Zealand as well as at coral reef islands in the Pacific.